





January 20

Intérêt principal (principal interest)

Manuscrits (paléographie)

Présentation: travaux et (ou) intérêts (Presentation: works and (or) interests)

Paléographie musicale, analyse musicale, chant grégorien.

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  • Cher Eduardo,

    Merci pour l'envoi et merci pour la promptitude, et bravo pour votre travail.

  • Cher Eduardo,

    J'espère que vous allez bien. Est-il possible d'avoir votre article des Etudes Grégoriennes, sur support informatique? Merci d'avance.

    Père Guilmard de Solesmes

  • Soyez le bienvenu !

  • Bonjour,
    Pourriez-vous, vous présentez sur votre page et aussi nous présenter vos perspectives de recherches ainsi que vos intérêts pour la musicologie médiévale ?
    Dominique GATTE
  • Bienvenue sur ce réseau !
This reply was deleted.

Activity Feed

Eduardo Henrik Aubert replied to andrew leckie's discussion fragment : date and origin ?
"First half to mid twelfth century (certainly not eleventh, given the text palaeography). Western/Central Germany. Hildesheim?"
May 1, 2016
Eduardo Henrik Aubert replied to Oliver Gerlach's discussion Eduardo Henrik Aubert: Une discussion des interprétations récentes des neumes aquitains in Autour de Cluny
"Merci pour la diffusion!"
Jul 27, 2015
Eduardo Henrik Aubert replied to Oliver Gerlach's discussion Eduardo Henrik Aubert & Neil K. Moran about the Early Transmission of Plainchant during the Carolingian Era in Vieux-Romain
"C'est l'hypothèse avancée par Marie-Noël Colette: Colette, Marie-Noël: ´Grégorien et vieux-romain: deux méthodes différentes de collectage de mélodies traditionelles?´, Dobszay Festschrift 1995, 37-52"
Oct 23, 2013
Eduardo Henrik Aubert replied to Oliver Gerlach's discussion Eduardo Henrik Aubert & Neil K. Moran about the Early Transmission of Plainchant during the Carolingian Era in Vieux-Romain
"I would also like to add that I do not refer to Floros for many reasons. His extremely speculative propositions - on which see Max Haas's lengthy review of his Universale Neumenkunde - are not at the top of my list. The foremost reason is that…"
Oct 16, 2013
Eduardo Henrik Aubert replied to Oliver Gerlach's discussion Eduardo Henrik Aubert & Neil K. Moran about the Early Transmission of Plainchant during the Carolingian Era in Vieux-Romain
"I entirely subscribe to what Geert has just written."
Oct 16, 2013
Eduardo Henrik Aubert replied to Oliver Gerlach's discussion Eduardo Henrik Aubert & Neil K. Moran about the Early Transmission of Plainchant during the Carolingian Era in Vieux-Romain
"Oh, yes! Absolutely right! I am afraid there are some mistakes of this kind in the paper. Also on p. 58, where Etudes grégoriennes left the indication: "par la suite, mettre chaque fois les citations en mode citation". I am sorry for this kind of…"
Oct 6, 2013
Eduardo Henrik Aubert replied to Oliver Gerlach's discussion Eduardo Henrik Aubert & Neil K. Moran about the Early Transmission of Plainchant during the Carolingian Era in Vieux-Romain
"Without going into all of the interesting arguments you are putting forward, let me just point out that Bischoff's and Contreni''s date for Laon 239 is IX 4/4. The late date proposed by Solesmes seems no longer acceptable. I would also be very…"
Oct 6, 2013
Eduardo Henrik Aubert commented on Dominique Gatté's blog post When the Roman Liturgy Became Frankish: Sound, Performance and Sublation in the Eighth and Ninth Centuries
"Merci pour la diffusion, Dominique!"
Sep 14, 2013
Dominique Gatté commented on Eduardo Henrik Aubert's event Notarum figura: music writing and the world of signs in the 9th century/l'écriture musicale et le monde des signes au 9e siècle
Apr 26, 2010
Eduardo Henrik Aubert commented on Eduardo Henrik Aubert's event Notarum figura: music writing and the world of signs in the 9th century/l'écriture musicale et le monde des signes au 9e siècle
"CORRECTION: Par erreur de diffusion, le comité scientifique est incomplet dans le message prédédent. Il est complété par Marie-Noël Colette (Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris)"
Apr 25, 2010
Eduardo Henrik Aubert posted an event

Jun 16, 2011 to Jun 17, 2011

Centre d'Etudes Medievales - Auxerre

Apr 24, 2010