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chi sono

I am an Italian musicologist and I am presently working at the edition of Gaspar van Weerbeke's music.

I am specifically interested in liturgical aspects and Gregorian chant, especially in connection with questions related to Gaspar's music (identification of melodies, function of particular texts in devotional or liturgical contexts and so on).

At the moment I am looking for evidence about the use and diffusion of an antiphon included in an office after the usage of Paris, which Weerbeke used as cantus firmus in a motet.

For these reasons I would like to know where and/or if the Parisian liturgy of Notre Dame, actually a particular office, was adopted in North France and Flanders apart from the court of Burgund (Philipp the Good etc).

Any piece of news or information for example about online sources from Musicologie médiévale is helpful for me.


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Appel à contributions

Bonjour, voici un appel à contributions pour une rencontre destinée aux "post-graduate students", si vous connaissez des personnes pouvant être intéressées

> Call for Papers
> Rethinking Medieval Liturgy: New Approaches across Disciplines
> 18–19 June 2010, London
> The study of medieval liturgy has undergone a remarkable transformation in recent years. As the lines between various kinds of cultural studies have become increasingly blurred, musicologists, art historians, literary scholars, and historians have realised its centrality and importance. Liturgy provides fundamental insights into the experience of worship and devotion in the middle ages, as the medium through which religious ideas were transmitted. There is now a need, we believe, to find coherent expression and a voice for the emerging generation of students of the liturgy, by breaking institutional and disciplinary boundaries, and by bringing so-called para-liturgical genres, such as drama, hagiography, and sermons, as well as art and architecture, back into their liturgical contexts.
> To this purpose, we are holding a two-day international workshop for post-graduate students from a variety of disciplines on the subject of medieval liturgy. It will include a training session in recent developments of liturgical studies, led by acclaimed professor Susan Boynton of the Department of Music at Columbia University. Proposals are invited from researchers who are engaged in or have recently finished their post-graduate studies.
> Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
> - Theories of ritual and their application to medieval liturgy
> - Musicology and music history
> - Art and architecture as related to liturgy
> - Worship and devotion as cultural phenomena
> - Liturgy in the history of religious institutions
> - Christianization and reform
> - Liturgy and material culture
> - The social role of liturgy
> - Hagiography, sermons and drama – in their liturgical contexts
> - Manuscripts and the representation of liturgical texts
> Papers will be 20 min. in length. Individual paper proposals (papers and proposals should be in English) to a maximum of 300 words should be sent by 1 March, 2010 to:
> Kati Ihnat (Queen Mary, University of London):
> or
> Erik Niblaeus (King’s College London):
> If you have other queries concerning the workshop, please do not hesitate to contact either of the above.
> The workshop will take place in London at the Lock-keeper’s Cottage, Queen Mary, University of London, E1 4NS, from Friday June 18 (10am) to Saturday June 19 (5pm) 2010. Application for AHRC funding pending.

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Qui suis-je ?

Sans être musicologue je suis un historien du fait religieux, chercheur au CNRS (Laboratoire d'étude sur les monothéismes - Institut des Etudes Augustiniennes, Paris), curieux de tout ce qui concerne l'histoire religieuse, liturgique et culturelle du Moyen Age, en particulier l'histoire des manuscrits, mais aussi ce qui les fait vibrer... donc la musique... et la musique des musiques: le grégorien !

Formation :
Docteur en histoire médiévale, ancien membre de l'Ecole française de Rome, archiviste paléographe, licence canonique en théologie (Fribourg-CH)

Thèmes de recherches :
Le Psautier au Moyen-Age : pratiques liturgiques, dévotionnelles, exégèse.
Liturgies médiévales (Chartreux, Ordres mendiants),
Exégèse et histoire de la Bible au Moyen Âge
Histoire des bibliothèques,
Réceptions médiévales de la Bible sous toutes ses formes

Thèses :

- Le Commentaire des Psaumes de Thomas d'Aquin (édition critique), Ecole nationale des chartes
- La Harpe des clercs : réceptions médiévales du Psautier entre exégèse scolaire et usages populaires, Paris-IV Sorbonne

Base de donnée PSALMICA : Psalterii latini Medii aevi Interpretum Clavis Analytica
Inventaire description recensant et décrivant l'intégralité des manuscrits des commentaires médiévaux des Psaumes, ainsi que toute la littérature manuscrite consacrée au Psautier (6800 manuscrits recensés au 30 décembre 2009 : work in progress)

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Cadeau de Noël de e-codices

De nombreux manuscrits ont été ajoutés le 21 décembre 2009 sur e-codices, dont 4 manuscrits musicaux.

- Beromünster, Stiftskirche St. Michael, Cantatorium
XIII, Cantatorium de Beromünster, notation neumatique tardive

- Einsiedeln, Stiftsbibliothek, Codex 358 (610)
Boethius. De arithmetica et geometria. De musica.
X, Einsiedeln, De musica.(P. 145 à 270)

- Solothurn, Zentralbibliothek, S I 251
XV, Cantatorium Solodorense (collegiatae Solodorensis), notation gothique sur 4 lignes avec la ligne du Fa en rouge

- Solothurn, Zentralbibliothek, S III 1
XIV, Graduale Fratrum Minorum, Solothurner, Notation carrée sur 4 lignes rouges


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Revue en Sciences Humaines et Sociales subventionnée par le CNRS dont le premier volume a paru en 1955. Elle a été dirigée pendant quelques mois par Albert de Veer, puis durant une trentaine d'années par Georges Folliet (1957-1989). Actuellement, Unité Mixte de Recherche du CNRS, elle dépend de l'Institut d'Etudes Augustiniennes.

Elle paraît semestriellement et couvre de nombreux domaines, parmi lesquels l'œuvre d'Augustin et l'augustinisme ainsi que l'Antiquité tardive (patristique/littérature grecque et latine tardive) et l'histoire ancienne du christianisme et celle de l'Afrique du Nord antique.


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Manuscrits notés en ligne

Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Düsseldorf
- MS-D-12,
XVème siècle, Graduel

Stadsarchief en Athenaeumbibliotheek Deventer
- XVème, Missale ecclesiae, Herwen et Aerdt

University of California, Los Angeles. Library. Performing Arts Special Collections
- Collection Hathaway Manuscripts
23 divers fragments de manuscrits liturgiques

Biblioteca Nacional de Mexico
- 12 cantorales


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Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana - Firenze

XV - Missale Romanum

XV - Pontificale

XIV – Pontificale

XIV - Antiphonarium seu Magnus liber organi de gradali et antiphonario

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Cambridge University Press is inviting expressions of interest for the position of Co-Editor of Plainsong and Medieval Music

Plainsong & Medieval Music is published twice a year in association with the Plainsong and Medieval Music Society and Cantus Planus, a study group of the International Musicological Society. The journal covers the entire spectrum of medieval music: Eastern and Western chant, secular lyric, music theory, palaeography, performance practice, and medieval polyphony, both sacred and secular, as well as the history of musical institutions. The chronological scope of the journal extends from late antiquity to the early Renaissance and to the present day in the case of chant.

Dr Helen Deeming will be stepping down as Co-Editor of Plainsong and Medieval Music in Autumn 2010. In order to ensure a smooth transition, we are now inviting applications from those interested in taking on this position for an initial term of four years. The new Co-Editor will? shadow? Dr Deeming from August 2010, and will work alongside Professor James Borders (University of Michigan).

Anyone wishing to express interest in this position is invited to send a brief CV and a short statement outlining the qualities they can bring to the post to the Chair of the Search Committee and to Cambridge University Press at the email addresses below.

A job specification and outline of the annual editorial timetable are available on request from Sally Hoffmann ( Financial support in the form of an annual editorial stipend will be available from Cambridge University Press. Enquiries about this, or any other contractual issues, should also be made to Sally Hoffmann.

Expressions of interest should be submitted by 15 February 2010. It is anticipated that Cambridge University Press will make an appointment by the end of April 2010. In order to maintain geographical balance in the journal?s editorship, we would prefer to appoint a candidate based in the UK or in Europe.

Contact details
Chair of the Search Committee: Professor John Harper

Cambridge University Press: Sally HoffmannEmail:

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de KARL-WERNER GÜMPEL, article écrit pour les 85 ans de Michel Huglo
Voir le reste de ce volume des "Miscel·lània litúrgica catalana"


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A bit about me

Hello all! I'm currently finishing my undergraduate degree at the University of Toronto. For the past year I've been a research assistant on the Becket Project and my main area of research at the moment is notation, primarily in the various sources containing the Office of Thomas Becket, both square and the handful which use adiastematic notation.

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Centre for the Study of the Cantigas de Santa Maria of Oxford University

Centre pour l'étude des "Cantigas de Santa Maria" de l'université d'Oxford

Le Centre pour l'étude des « Cantigas de Santa Maria » de l'Université d'Oxford a été créé en 2005. Il accueille actuellement deux projets de recherche liés: la « Cantigas de Santa Maria database » et le « new Cantigas de Santa Maria critical edition ».
La « Cantigas de Santa Maria database » est conçue pour donner accès à une vaste gamme d'informations pertinentes sur le processus de collecte, de composition et de l’élaboration des Cantigas de Santa Maria. Il fournira le matériel essentiel pour une nouvelle édition des Cantigas de Santa Maria, qui sera publié à la fois sous forme imprimée et électronique. La base de données est en développement continuel.
Voir aussi sur les "Cantigas de Santa Maria" :
The Cantigas de Santa Maria: To Codex Facsimiles
- Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional, Ms 10069


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Penn Libraries – Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Pennsylvania

La bibliothèque de l'université de Pennsylvanie a mis en ligne 7 manuscrits numériques contenant de la notation musicale :

- Ms. Codex 141
XV – [1450] (Allemagne) Processionale

- Ms. Codex 655
XIV – (France) Missale

- Ms. Codex 1060
XV – [1450-1499] (Allemagne) Graduale, Lectionarium

- Ms. Codex 1063
XV – [1450-1460] (Angleterre) Liber horarum

- Ms. Codex 1229
XVI – (France) Processionale ad usum fratrum Predicatorum

- Ms. Codex 1239
XVI – [1518] (Italie) Rituale Monasticum

- Ms. Codex 1248
XV – [1450-1499] (Italie) Miscellania Liturgica

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