January 1
January 1
Intérêt principal (principal interest)
Présentation: travaux et (ou) intérêts (Presentation: works and (or) interests)
Interprétation de musique médiévale. En ce moment je travail sur un programme de musique du 12e siècle (profane et sacrée).
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je viens d'ajouter le WIEN, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (A-Wn) Cod. 1799** dans la liste des manuscrits Cisterciens, malheureusement le Wien, Diözesanarchiv C-10 n'est pas en ligne
Dear Sheryl,
Nice to hear from you and thank you for your picture of the chapel! What group was is, is it your own group for medieval vocal music or something else? Summer is beautiful but warm her in Sweden. I will be on Tours 1-10 July on holidays but unfortunately not going to Southern France. Listened to Sequentia and Ben Bagby at Stockholm Early Music Festival this weekend. They performed The Edda and that was great!
Bises Karin